2006 and Earlier Publications

Aeronautical Systems

Hubbard, J.E., “Dynamic Shape Control of a Morphing Airfoil Using Spatially Distributed Transducers,” AIAA J. Guid., Cont., and Dyn., 29 (2006): 612-616, doi:10.2514/1.15196

Guerreiro, N.M., Hubbard, J.E., and Motter, M.A., “Non-Linear Controls Influence Functions in an Aircraft Dynamics Simulator,” in Proceedings of SPIE Intl. Symp. on Smart Structures and Materials, February 2006, San Diego, California

Lim, K., Shin, J-Y., and Moerder, D., “Bias Momentum Sizing for Dual Spin Platforms,” NASA-Technical Publication-2006-214317, (2006)

Motter, M.A., Logan, M.J., French, M.L., and Guerreiro, N.M., “Simulation to Flight Test for a UAV Controls Testbed,” AIAA Paper 2006-3305 in Proceedings of the 25th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 5-8 June 2006, San Francisco, California

Shen, J., Yang, M., and Chopra, I., “Swashplateless Helicopter Rotor System with Trailing-Edge Flaps for Flight and Vibration Controls,” J. Aircraft, 43 (2006): 346- 352, doi:10.2514/1.14634

Shin, J-Y., and Belcastro, C., “Performance Analysis on Fault Tolerant Control System,” IEEE Transactions of Control Systems Technology, 14 (2006): 920-925, doi:10.1109/TCST.2006.876911

Song, D., “Memory-based Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Part I-Design and Analysis,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 24-26 May 2006, Singapore

Kanury, S., and Song, D., “Flight Management of Multiple Aerial Vehicles Using Genetic Algorithms,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Southeast Symposium on Systems Theory, 5-7 March 2006, Cookeville, Tennessee

Li, B., Liao, X., Sun, Z., Li, Y., and Song, D., “Robust Autopilot for Close Formation Flight of Multi-UAVS,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Southeast Symposium on Systems Theory, 5-7 March 2006, Cookeville, Tennessee

Song, D., Li, B., Sun, Z., Liao, X., and Weng, L., “3D Robust Formation Control of Multi-UAVs,” in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization, 1-3 February 2006, Gainesville, Florida

Li, Y., Bin, L., Sun, Z., Weng, L., Zhang, R., and Song, D., “Close Formation Flight Control of Multi-UAVs via Fuzzy Logic Technique,” in Advanced Fuzzy Logic Technologies in Industrial Applications, Eds. Y. Bai,  H. Zhuang, and D. Wang, (New York: Springer 2006): 360 pp, ISBN-10: 1846284686

Liao, X., Sun, Z., and Song, D., “Chattering-free Variable Structure Control with Application to Flight Vehicles,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Southeast Symposium on Systems Theory, 5-7 March 2006, Cookeville, Tennessee

Liao, X., Sun, Z., Li, B., and Song, D., “GA-based Disturbance Attenuation in Flight Control Systems,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Southeast Symposium on Systems Theory, 5-7 March 2006, Cookeville, Tennessee

Song, D, Sun, Z., Liao, X.H., and Zhang, R., “Memory-based Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Part II-Applications,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 24-26 May 2006, Singapore

Zhang, R., Sun, Z., Cai, W., Kaury, S., and Song, D., “Hybrid Memory-based Control of Dynamic Systems with Uncertain Nonlinearities and Unpredictable Faults,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Southeastern Symposium on Systems Theory, 5-7 March 2006, Cookeville, Tennessee

Atmospheric Science

Atlas, D., Wang, Z., and Duda, D.P., “Contrails to Cirrus – Morphology, Microphysics, and Radiative Properties,” J. Appl. Meteorol., 45 (2006): 5-19, doi:10.1175/JAM2325.1

Hu, Y., Liu, Z., Winker, D., Vaughan, M., Noel, V., Bissonnette, L., Roy, G., and McGill, M., “Simple Relation Between Lidar Multiple Scattering and Depolarization for Water Clouds,” Optics Letters, 31 (2006): 1809-1811, doi:10.1364/OL.31.001809

Kato, S., Hinkelman, L.M., and Cheng, A., “Estimate of Satellite-Derived Cloud Optical Thickness and Effective Radius Errors and their Effect on Computed Domain-Averaged Irradiances,” J. Geophys. Res, 111 (2006): D17201, doi:10.1029/2005JD006668

Smith, G.L., Szewczyk, Z.P., Rutan, D.A., and Lee III, R.B., “Comparison of Measurements from Satellite Radiation Budget Instruments,” J. Geophys. Res., 111 (2006): D04101, doi:10.1029/2005JD006307

Soja, A.J., Shugart, H.H., Sukhinin, A.I., Conard, S.G., and Stackhouse Jr., P.W., “Satellite-Based Mean Fire Return Intervals as Indicators of Change in Boreal Siberia (1995-2002),”Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 11 (2006): 75-96, doi:10.1007/s11027-006-1009-3

Airspace Research

Munoz, C., Carreno, V., and Dowek, G., “Formal Analysis of the Operational Concept for the Small Aircraft Transportation System,” Rigorous Engineering of Fault-Tolerant Systems, LNCS, 4157 (2006): 306-325, doi:10.1007/11916246_16

Computational Science

Boldo, S., and Munoz, C., “A High-Level Formalization of Floating Point Numbers in PVS,” NASA/Contractor Report-2006-214298, (2006)

Przekop, A., and Rizzi, S.A., “A Reduced Order Method for Predicting High Cycle Fatigue of Nonlinear Structures,” Computers and Structures, 84 (2006): 1606- 1618, doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2006.01.015

Przekop, A., and Rizzi, S.A., “Nonlinear Reduced Order Finite Element Analysis of Structures with Shallow Curvature,” AIAA Journal, 44 (2006): 1767-1778

Li., Y., and Mascagni, M., “A Bio-Inspired Job Scheduling Algorithm for Monte Carlo Applications on a Computational Grid,” in Proceedings of the 17th IMACS World Congress, Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics, and Simulation, 11-15 July 2007, Paris, France

Exploration Systems

Weng, L., Bikdash, M., Liao, X., and Song, D., “Immune System Inspired Fault Detection and Identification with Application to Crew Exploration Vehicles,” in Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Southeast Symposium on Systems Theory, 5-7 March 2006, Cookeville, Tennessee

Weng, L., Cai, W., Zhang, R., and Song, D., “Bio-Inspired Control to Approach to Multiple Spacecraft Formation Flying,” in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, 4-6 December 2006, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sun, Z., Liao, X-H., Stewart, F., Li, B., and Song, Y-D., “Neuro-Robust Reentry Path Control of Reusable Launch Vehicles,” Int. J. Computational Intelligence Res., 2 (2006):76-80

Stanley, D., and Wilhite, A., “Technology Engineering: The Concurrent Development of Space Transportation Systems and Technologies,” AIAA Paper 2006-7295 in Proceedings of the AIAA Space Conference and Exposition, 19-21 September 2006, San Jose, California

Lockwood, M.K., Powell, R.W., Sutton, K., Prabhu, R.K., Graves, C.A., Epp, C.D., and Carman, G.L., “Entry Configurations and Performance Comparisons for the Mars Smart Lander,” J. Spacecraft Rocket, 43 (2006): 258-269, doi:10.2514/1.20677

Shelton, J., Frederick, R., and Wilhite, A., “Launch Vehicle Propulsion Design with Multiple Selection Criteria,” J. Spacecraft Rockets, 43 (2006): 893-902, doi:10.2514/1.16919

Simon, M., Wilhite, A., Bremis, E., Hough, S., Jefferies, S., Penuela, D., Winski, R., et al., “Investigation of Alternate Transportation Architecture for Crewed Mars Missions,” IAC Paper 06-D2.2.09 in Proceedings of the 57th International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2006, Valencia, Spain

Krevor, Z., and Wilhite, A., “Cost of Safety for Space Transportation,” IAC Paper 06-D1.1.08 in Proceedings of the 57th International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2006, Valencia, Spain

Wilhite, A., and Reeves, D., Stanley, D., and Wagner, J. “ Evaluating the Impacts of Mass Uncertainty on Future Exploration Architectures,” AIAA Paper 2006-7250 in Proceedings of the AIAA Space Conference and Exposition, 19-21 September 2006, San Jose, California

Reeves, D., Scher, M., Wilhite, A., and Stanley, D., “The Apollo Lunar Orbit Rendezvous Architecture Decision Revisited,” J. Spacecraft Rockets, 43 (2006): 910-915, doi:10.2514/1.18837

Simon, M., Wilhite, A., and Young, J., “Evaluation of Applications of ESAS Cargo Launch Vehicle to Manned Mars Mission,” AIAA Paper 2006-7434 in Proceedings of the AIAA Space Conference and Exposition, 19-21 September 2006, San Jose, California

Cavanaugh, S., Chytka, T, Arcara, P., Jones, S., and Stanley, D., Wilhite, A., “NASA Langley Systems Analysis and Concepts Directorate Technology Assessment/Portfolio Analysis,” AIAA Paper 2006-7029 in Proceedings of the 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 6-8 September 2006, Portsmouth, Virginia

Young, D., Kokan, T., Clark, I., Tanner, C., and Wilhite, A., “Lazarus: A SSTO Hypersonic Vehicle Concept Utilizing RBCC and HEDM Propulsion Technologies,” AIAA Paper 2006-8099 in Proceedings of the 14th AIAA/AHI Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 6-9 November 2006, Canberra, Australia

Young, J., Thompson, R., and Wilhite, A., “Architecture Options for Propellant Resupply of Lunar Exploration Elements,” AIAA Paper 2006-7237 in Proceedings of the AIAA Space Conference and Exposition, 19-21 September 2006, San Jose, California

Tanner, C., Young, J., Thompson, R., and Wilhite, A., “On-Orbit Propellant Resupply Options for Mars Exploration Architectures,” IAC Paper 06-D1.1.01 in Proceedings of the 57th International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2006, Valencia, Spain

Materials Science

Clancy, T.C., and Gates, T.S., “Modeling of Interfacial Modification Effects on Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube Composites,” Polymer, 47 (2006): 5990-5996, doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2006.05.062

Gates, T.S., Odegard, G.M., Frankland, S.J.V., and Clancy, T.C., “Computational Materials: Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulation of Nanostructured Materials,” Comp. Sci. & Tech., 65 (2005): 2416-2434, doi:1016/j.compscitech.2005.06.009

Ghose, S., Watson, K.A., Delozier, D.M., Working, D.C., Siochi, E.J., and Connell, J.W., “Incorporation of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes into High Temperature Resin Using Dry Mixing Techniques,” Comp. Part A: Appl. Sci. and Man., 37 (2006): 465-475, doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2005.03.033

Ghose, S., Watson, K.A., Sun, K.J., Criss, J.M., Siochi, E.J., and Connell, J.W., “High Temperature Resin/Carbon Nanotube Fabrication,” Comp. Sci. and Tech., 66 (2006): 1995, doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2006.01.008

Han, D.H., Kim, J.-W., and Park, S.-M., “Electrochemistry of Conductive Polymers: 38. Electrodeposited Poly(3,4-ethelenedioxythiophene) Studied by Current Sensing AFM,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 110 (2006): 14874-14880, doi:10.1021/jp055791b

Kang, J.H., Park, C., Gaik, S., Lowther, S.E., and Harrison, J.S., “The Effect of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on the Dipole Orientation and Piezoelectric Properties of Polymeric

Nanocomposites,” Nano, 1 (2006): 77-85, doi:10.1142/S1793292006000100

Logan, K.V., and Jefferies, S., “TiB2 and Al2O3/TiB2 Response to Long-term Atomic Oxygen Exposure,” in Proceedings of Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) Conference, 15-19 October 2006, Cincinnati, Ohio

Payyapilly, J., and Logan, K.V., “Basic Aluminum Oxidation: SHS Reaction Kinetics Parameter,” in Proceedings of the Materials Science & Technology (MS&T) Conference & Exhibition, 15-19 October 2006, Cincinnati, Ohio

O’Brien, T.K., and Krueger, R., “Influence of Compression and Shear on the Strength of Composite Laminates with Pinned Reinforcement,” Appl. Compos. Mater., 13 (2006): 173-189, doi:10.1007/s10443-005-9005-4

Park, C., Wilkinson, J., Banda, S., Ounaies, Z., Wise, K.E., Sauti, G., Lillehei, P.T., and Harrison, J.S., “Aligned Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites Using an Electric

Field,” J. Poly. Sci. B: Poly. Phys., 44 (2006): 1751, doi:10.1002/polb.20823

Watson, K.A., and Connell, J.W., “Polymer and Carbon Nanotube Composites for Space Applications” in Carbon Nanotechnology: Recent Developments in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Device Applications, Ed. L. Dai, (Amsterdam: Elsevier 2006) 733 pp, ISBN-10: 044451855X

Delozier, D.M., Watson, K.A., Smith, J.G., Clancy, T.C., and Connell, J.W., “Investigation of Aromatic/Aliphatic Polyimides as Dispersants for Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes,” Macromolecules, 39 (2006): 1731-1739, doi:10.1021/ma051826u

Ghose, S., Working, D.C., Connell, J.W., Smith Jr., J.G., Watson, K.A., Delozier, D.M., Sun, Y.P., and Lin, Y., “Thermal Conductivity of Ultem™/Nanofiller Blends,” High Perf. Poly., 18 (2006): 961, doi:10.1177/0954008306069133

Hergenrother, P.M., Smith, J.G., Connell Jr., J.W., and Watson, K.A., “Polyimides from a-BPDA and Aromatic Diamines,” NASA Tech Briefs, 15 (2006)

Tigelaar, D.M., Klein, D.J., Xu, T-B.,  Su, J., and Bryant, R.G., “Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(pyridinium triflate)s with Alkyl and Aromatic Spacer Groups for Potential Use as Nonlinear Optic Materials,” High Perf. Poly., 17 (2005): 515-531, doi:10.1177/0954008305050676

Yamakov, V., Modovan, D., Rastogi, K., and Wolf, D., “Relation Between Grain Growth and Grain-Boundary Diffusion in a Pure Material by Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” ActaMater., 54 (2006): 4053-4061, doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2006.05.004

Yamakov, V., Saether, E., Phillips, D.R., and Glaessgen, E.H., “Molecular-Dynamics Simulation-Based Cohesive Zone Representation of Intergranular Fracture Processes in Aluminum,” J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 54 (2006): 1899-1928, doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2006.03.004

Yan, L., Park, C., Ounaies, Z., and Irene, E.A., “An Ellipsometric Study of Polymer Film Curing: 2,6-bix(3-aminophenoxy) Benzonitrile/4,4’ Oxidiphthalic Anhydride Poly(amicacid),” Polymer, 47 (2006): 2822, doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2006.02.056

Planetary Science

Fritts, D.C., Wang, L., and Tolson, R.H., “Mean and Gravity Wave Structures and Variability in the Mars Upper Atmosphere Inferred from MGS and MO Aerobraking Densities,” J. Geophys. Res., 111 (2006): A12304 doi:10.1029/2006JA011897

Wang, L., Fritts, D.C., and Tolson, R.H., “Nonmigrating Tides Inferred from the Mars Odyssey and Mars Global Surveyor Aerobraking Data,” Geophys. Res. Lett., 33 (2006) L23201, doi:10.1029/2006GL027753