01-15-2014 | Wenjiao Liu: Performance of Multiscale Composites by Resin Film Infusion


Wenjiao Liu, MEng Candidate, McGill University
January 15, 2014, 9:00 am, NIA, Rm 101

The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of the stacking strategy on the processing conditions and part quality, as well as the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) dispersion and influence on the interlaminar and electrical properties of the multi-scale composite. The laminates were manufactured using an out of- autoclave resin film infusion process (RFI). The parameters that were varied were the resin film stacking strategy: grouped, in which resin film and fabric was stacked separately, and intercalated stacking strategy where the resin films were stacked between each dry fibre preform plies. The laminate quality was determined by taking micrographs of sections and measuring fibre volume fraction, void content distribution and analyzing the dispersion of the CNTs inside the manufactured laminates. The interlaminar properties were measured with double cantilever beam (DCB) tests using ASTM standard methods. A multimeter was used to record specimen resistance in four-wire mode when three-point bending load was applied using an electromechanical testing system. Two resistance measurement methods, i.e. surface and oblique, were used.

Wenjiao Liu is a MEng candidate in McGill University under the supervision of Prof. Pascal Hubert. She received a Bachelor degree in Aerospace Engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Her current research focuses on the potential of CNT addition in improving strain self-sensing of carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites by measuring electrical resistance.