03-13-2015 | Dipankar Ghosh: Microstructural Response of Advanced Ceramic and Composites


Dr. Dipankar Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Old Dominion University
March 13, 2015, 10:00 am, NIA, Rm 137

Advanced structural ceramics and ceramic matrix composites are central to advance air force, military and civilian endeavors. For the successful implementation of these materials, a grand challenge is to understand the inelastic deformation mechanisms that evolve over different length and time scales. To that end, this presentation will address the role of inelasticity on the properties of the advanced ceramics and composites. While boron carbide (B4C) is an automatic choice for the lightweight armor systems due to its high specific strength and high hardness, ballistic performance of the B4C against high velocity impact has been questionable. This presentation will discuss the effects of the localized microstructural changes on the low- and high-strain rate mechanical properties of the B4C. Another class of structural materials that have received significant attention in recent years is the ultrahigh temperature ceramic composites, potential for developing superior thermal protection systems for aerospace vehicles. However, deformation behavior of this class of materials is not well understood. It will be shown that how different inelastic mechanisms evolve in the UHTCs under contact loading conditions. Finally, the presentation will briefly discuss the synthesis and structural-property relationships of a piezoelectric ceramic barium titanate (BaTiO3). In this context, use of the time-resolved diffraction technique to understand the electromechanics will be addressed.

Dr. Dipankar Ghosh joined the faculty of the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Old Dominion University in Fall 2014. Prior joining ODU, Dr. Ghosh was a postdoctoral scholar in the Division of Engineering and Applied Science at California Institute of Technology. He also held a position of postdoctoral associate in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at University of Florida. Dr. Ghosh completed his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida. He has a BS in Chemical Technology (specialization: Ceramic Engineering) from the Calcutta University, India, and MS in Materials Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. His research interests are spark plasma sintering (SPS) of ceramics, high-strain rate characterization of brittle solids, cellular solids, and characterization of piezoelectrics using time-resolved X-ray diffraction technique.