06-04-2015 | Fabien Gand: Recent Experimental and Numerical Studies of Wing-Root Separation at ONERA


Fabien Gand, Researcher, ONERA
June 4, 2015, 1:00 pm, NASA Langley, Bldg 1268, Rm 1069

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This presentation will give a status of the studies focused on junction flows recently carried out at ONERA. Most of the work has been dedicated to simplified configurations at moderate Reynolds number to allow advanced numerical simulations (Large Eddy Simulation), which aimed at investigating the physics of these configurations. Experiments were also conducted, using various techniques including Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The setup of the PIV system to allow measurements near the corner will be addressed. The reference databases (numerical and experimental) were used to assess several RANS models (based on first and second order closures). Some closures were found to be well suited to corner flows and used to compute technical configurations.

Fabien Gand graduated from Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2007 (M.Sc. degree and mechanical engineering degree). Then he joined ONERA where he completed his PhD. His thesis focused on the physics of junction flows, using numerical simulations (RANS and LES) and wind-tunnel experiments. Since 2010, he is a full time researcher in the Civil Aircraft Unit of the Applied Aerodynamics Department at ONERA. His work is focused on unsteady flows physics, turbulence and eddy-resolving CFD simulations.