3.8.16 Chudoba

Topic:  Application of Machine Intelligence for Aerospace Systems Design Decisions: CDT – Big Data Analytics and Machine Intelligence Seminar #12

Speaker: Dr. Bernd Chudoba, University of Texas at Arlington

Date: March 8, 2016

Time: 10:00am-11:00am

Location: NASA/LaRC, Reid 2, Building 2102


Manjula Ambur, NASA, & Lise Schioler, NIA

Abstract: The Application of Machine Intelligence for Aerospace Systems Design Decisions Seminar will be held on March 8, from 10 – 11 a.m. in the Reid 2, building 2102. The speaker is Dr. Bernd Chudoba from the University of Texas at Arlington. His presentation introduces the primary elements required by any competitive aerospace design project team focusing on quality decision-making, and presents an innovative solution he has been working to support this using machine intelligence.

The solution consists of a best-practice data-base system, a knowledge-based system, and a synthesis system emulating the human domains memory, experience and logic. This next-generation Intelligent Design Advisor/Agent (IDA) correctly and comprehensively supports the human decision-maker and designer of aerospace vehicles.

This IDA directly addresses the multi-disciplinary domains stemming from the marketplace, environment, politics, economics, and technology. The symbiosis of these modules uniquely allows this first-generation synthesis system to correctly solve multi-disciplinary aerospace-related problems. The resulting aerospace product development capability delivers solution-space topographies to the decision-maker, integrator, and technologist, overall aimed at reducing cost, risk, and development time spans.


Bio: Dr. Bernd Chudoba is an Associate Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) department at The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). His design service and research activities focus on the need to improve the early aerospace systems forecasting and optimization decision-making process for future aircraft and space launch vehicles, enabling technologies, and transportation architectures.  Working with industry for more than 25 years, Bernd has been developing conceptual design tools for advanced and future aircraft with the Future Projects Departments of Airbus Industrie (Toulouse, France), British Aerospace (Bristol, England), Aérospatiale Airbus (Toulouse, France), DaimlerChrysler Airbus (Hamburg, Germany) and Fairchild Dornier, Germany.  He has earned his Dipl.-Ing. Degree in aerospace at the University of Applied Sciences FH, Aachen, Germany, his M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in aircraft design at the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield University, England.