06-13-2016 | Krishna Rajan: Materials Informatics - “Design with Intent” Paradigm

NASA and NIA Big Data Analytics and Machine Intelligence Seminar Series #14Materials Informatics- “Design with Intent” Paradigm

Speaker: Dr. Krishna Rajan, Dept. of Materials Design and Innovation, State University of New York at Buffalo

Date: June 13, 2016

Location: Pearl Young Theater, NASA LaRC

Time: 1 – 2pm

Host: Manjula Ambur, NASA LaRC

Abstract: The linking of information across multiple scales can of course be done in many ways, but there is no single tool that can account for the interaction of the myriad of parameters that govern materials development or the complexity of the engineering performance. Current approaches that do utilize “informatics” tools such as data mining, evolutionary algorithms, and other statistical methods, do so in conjunction with physical based and/or heuristically driven models, where the primary focus is to search for information from large data sets generated by high throughput computations and or experiments (which themselves are limited to the parameter space that they explore). Our approach does far more than use informatics as an efficient search strategy for large datasets. In this presentation we describe instead an informatics framework that allows us to also learn from that data by deriving information that may be outside the models on which they are based, and use this learning process to efficiently and robustly explore the information space that cannot be done by existing models. This provides the foundation for a robust methodology for materials selection, the prediction of new structure-property-processing-manufacturing relationships, and for establishing decision pathways to enable the “design with intent” paradigm for materials development.

Bio: Krishna Rajan has been appointed in 2015 as the Erich Bloch Endowed Chair of the newly founded Department of Materials Design and Innovation (MDI) and Empire Innovation Professor at the University at Buffalo- State University of New York. Prior to his new appointment, he was the Wilkinson Professor of Interdisciplinary Engineering at Iowa State University; dual appointments in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering and the Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Program. He is noted for his pioneering contributions to the application of informatics techniques and the development of innovative accelerated computational methods for design and discovery and characterization of novel materials. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto and his ScD in Materials Science from MIT with a minor in Science and Technology Policy. His postdoctoral appointments were at MIT and Cambridge