2010 Graduates

2010 Graduates

Name: Michael Balch
University/Date: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, December 2010
Degree: PhD in Aerospace Engineering
Advisors: Dr. Robert Walters and Dr. Robert Tolson
Thesis Topic: Methods for Rigorous Uncertainty Quantification with Application to a Mars Atmosphere Model
Present Position: Applied Biomathematics, Inc., East Setauket, New York

Name: Alex Brown
University/Date: University of Maryland, December 2010
Degree: MS in Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. James Hubbard
Thesis Topic: Investigation of Spacing and Phasing on Synthetic Jet Actuator Arrays
Present Position

Name: Scott Ciampa
University/Date: University of Virginia, August 2010
Degree: MS in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Robert Lindberg
Thesis Topic: Back-Drive Torque Analysis for Motor Wear Monitoring
Present Position: Knolls Atomic Power Laboratories, Saratoga Springs, New York

Name: Eric Compher
University/Date: University of Virginia, May 2010
Degree: MS in Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Mool Gupta
Thesis Topic: Ambient Light Powered Sensors for Space Applications
Present Position: Bettis Atomic Labs, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Name: John Dec
University/Date: Georgia Institute of Technology, May 2010
Degree: PhD in Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Alan Wilhite
Thesis Topic: Three Dimensional Finite Ablative Thermal Response Analysis Applied to Heashield Penetration Design
Present Position: Structural and Thermal Systems Branch, NASA’s Langley Research Center

Name: Artem Dyakonov
University/Date: North Carolina State University, December 2010
Degree: PhD in Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Fred DeJarnette
Thesis Topic: Effect of RCS Thruster Plumes on Entry Capsule Aerodynamics and Aeroheating
Present Position: NASA’s Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California

Name: Michael Grimes
University/Date: Georgia Institute of Technology, August 2010
Degree: MS in Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Alan Wilhite
Thesis Topic
Present Position

Name: Kevin Hollingsworth
University/Date: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, May 2010
Degree: MS in Aerospace Engineering
Thesis Topic
Present Position: Aerospace Computing, Inc., Mountain View, California, and NASA’s Langley Research Center

Name: Chris Karlgaard
University/Date: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, August 2010
Degree: PhD in Aerospace and Oceanic Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Hanspeter Schaub
Thesis Topic: Robust Adaptive Estimation for Autonomous Redezvous in Elliptical Orbit
Present Position: Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc. (AMA), Atmospheric Flight and Entry Systems Branch, NASA’s Langley Research Center

Name: Steven Kelley
University/Date: Georgia Institute of Technology, May 2010
Degree: MS in Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Alan Wilhite
Thesis Topic: Design and Implementation of a 3-Dimensional Laser Scanning System
Present Position:

Name: Jasper Lewis
University/Date: Hampton University, May 2010
Degree: PhD in Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Patrick McCormick
Thesis Topic: Regional Aerosol Transport Study
Present Position: Post-Doctoral Fellow, NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP), Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)

Name: Eric Lundgren
University/Date: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, February 2010
Degree: MS in Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Rakesh Kapania
Thesis Topic: Durable Joining Technology for NASA’s Ares V Launch Vehicle
Present Position: Structural Mechanics and Concepts Branch, NASA’s Langley Research Center

Name: David Masse
University/Date: Georgia Institute of Technology, June 2010
Degree: MS in Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Alan Wilhite
Thesis Topic
Present Position: PhD Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology

Name: Andrew Maxwell
University/Date: Georgia Institute of Technology, June 2010
Degree: MS in Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Alan Wilhite
Thesis Topic
Present Position: PhD Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology and The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California

Name: John (Ryan) Somero
University/Date: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, December 2010
Degree: MS in Aerospace Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Bernard Grossman
Thesis Topic: Computational Simulations of an Ellipsoidal Model Utilizing RANS
Present Position: PhD Candidate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Name: Chen-Nan Sun
University/Date: University of Virginia, August 2010
Degree: PhD in Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Mool Gupta
Thesis Topic: Laser Sintering of Ultra High Temperature Materials
Present Position

Name: Liguo (Luke) Weng
University/Date: North Carolina A&T University, May 2010
Degree: PhD in Electrical Engineering
Advisors: Dr. Gary Lebby and Dr. David Song
Thesis Topic: Immunology-Inspired Fault Identification and Swarm Coordination
Present Position

Name: Ran Zhang
University/Date: North Carolina A&T University, July 2010
Degree: PhD in Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. David Song
Thesis Topic: Nonlinear Intelligent Control of Space Vehicles
Present Position