2011 Recipients

Award NameAwarded ByRecipientCitation
2011 Robert A. Mitcheltree Young Engineer of the Year AwardAIAA Hampton Roads SectionDr. Natasha Neogi“For Key Contributions to the Engineering Area of Cyber-Physical Systems for Applications and Air-Traffic Applications.”
2011 Best Technology Development of Energy Harvesting WinnerIDTechEx Energy Harvesting & Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) AwardDr. Tian-Bing Xu“The Most Significant Technical Achievement in Energy Harvesting Over the Past 18 Months.”
1st Prize Henry J.E. Reid AwardNASA Langley Research CenterDr. Kenneth Sutton“For His Paper ‘Non-Boltzmann Modeling for Air Shock-Layer Radiation at Lunar-Return Conditions,’ Published in the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets.”
3rd Prize Henry J.E. Reid AwardNASA Langley Research CenterDrs. Yi Lin, Kent A. Watson and Sayata Ghose“For Their Paper: ‘Rapid, Solventless, Bulk Preparation of Metal Nanoparticle-Decorated Carbon Nanotubes,’ published in ACS Nano.”
Group Superior Accomplishment AwardNASA Langley Research CenterDr. Sriram Rhallabhandi/SAIV Team“Outstanding Contributions to Advancing the State-of-the-Art in Supersonic Low-Boom, Low-Drag Aircraft Design and Analysis.”
Group Achievement AwardNASA Langley Research CenterDr. Kevin Hadley“For Exceptional Flexibility, Commitment, and Creativity in Executing a New Teacher Internship Pilot.”
Elsevier Publishing Team Earth and Planetary Sciences Dr. Amber SojaTop 50 Most Cited Articles Published in Global and Planetary Change from Jan. 06 – Feb 11
NASA Langley – 2nd Place Videographer of the YearNASA Langley Research CenterMike Bibbo“Placed Second in the Production Category for the Segment, ‘NASA 360: Composite Materials/Edison2 Very Light Car’.”
NASA Langley – 2nd Place Videographer of the YearNASA Langley Research CenterTom Shortridge“Placed Second in the Production Category for the Segment, ‘NASA 360: Composite Materials/Edison2 Very Light Car’.”
NASA Group Achievement AwardNASADr. Douglas Stanley“Entry, Decent and Landing Systems Analysis Team: ‘For Outstanding Leadership & Technical accomplishments in using systems analysis to determine NASA’s entry, Descent and Landing requirements for Planetary Explorations’.”
NASA Group Achievement AwardNASADr. Alan Wilhite“Entry, Decent and Landing Systems Analysis Team: ‘For Outstanding Leadership & Technical accomplishments in using systems analysis to determine NASA’s entry, Descent and Landing requirements for Planetary Explorations’.”
R&D 100 AwardSansEC Temperature SensorDr. Chauntong Wang 
Langley’s Henry J.E. Reid Award – 3rd PlaceNASA Langley Research CenterDrs. Yi Lin, Kent Watson and Sayata Ghose“For the Paper Entitled: ‘Rapid, Solventless, Bulk Preparation of Metal Nanoparticle-Decorated Carbon Nanotubes’.”
Innovation Award – Aviation Safety Assurance Research Planning TeamNASA Langley Research CenterSteve Darr & Bob Jacobsen“For Outstanding Contributions to the Future Safety of Complex, Networked, Distributed, Flight-Critical Systems in the Next Generation Air Transportation System.”
Innovation Award – CALIPSO Science Algorithm, Software and Data Distribution TeamNASA Langley Research CenterDr. Zhaoyan Liu
Innovation Award – MODSIM Teacher Professional Development Pilot TeamNASA Langley Research CenterMark Clemente & Kevin Hadley“For Exceptional Flexibility, Commitment, and Creativity in Executing a New Teacher Internship Pilot.”
NASA Group Superior Accomplishment AwardNASA Langley Research CenterDr. Sriram RallabhandiPresented to the SAIV Team for “Outstanding Contributions to Advancing the State-of-the-Art in Supersonic Low-Boom, Low-Drag Aircraft Design and Analysis.”
Certificate of AppreciationNASA Langley Research CenterDr. Hongyu Liu“In recognition of valuable contribution and outstanding support to the Advanced Component Technologies (ACT) protram and the NASA Earth Science Technology Office.”