Business Solutions

Business Solutions

NIA offers its clients excellence through the proven expertise of our award-winning staff, innovation with unique, leading-edge solutions, and reliability with programs and projects that are on time and within budget.

Female NIA researchers flying drone in lab

Research Programs

Explore a wide range of research areas in science and engineering. Plus learn about our research centers and programs

On-set media productions

Live Web Streaming

Get informed about the latest developments in aerospace technology with live streaming of conferences, events and workshops

Children creating robots at school stem education

K-20 Education

Learn more about our K-20 outreach programs including STEM activities, teaching resources, internships and competitions

Contact us today to discuss how NIA can assist in finding the right solutions for your business needs.

New Business Opportunities Research

Carly Bosco
Senior Director, Research and Operations

Educational Outreach

Shelley Spears
Director of Education Outreach and Programs

Media Communications Group

Harla Sherwood
Director of Communications and Partnerships

Business on Existing Agreements & Contracts

Sue Sorlie
Deputy Contracts Manager

Research Programs

Carly Bosco
Senior Director, Research and Operations