Title: Building Safer Robots Speaker: Michael Wagner, Carnegie Mellon University Date: June 22, 2016 Location: Pearl Young Theater Time: 2:00pm Host: Danette Allen, NASA/LaRC; Carly Bosco, NIA Abstract: Historically developed to handle…
Category: Seminars
05-18-2016 | Alireza Mazaheri: High-Order Discontinuous-Galerkin Schemes using Hyperbolic First-Order System Approach
Topic: 76th NIA CFD Seminar: High-Order Discontinuous-Galerkin Schemes using Hyperbolic First-Order System Approach; same DoF as conventional but more accurate Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm (EST) Room: NIA, Room…
5.11.16 Balachandran
Title: Flight Safety Assessment and Management Speaker: Swee Balachandran Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Time: 11:00 – 12:00 Location: NIA Room 137 Abstract: Mr. Balachandran will be discussing his dissertation…