Hiroaki Nishikawa

Hiroaki Nishikawa

Associate Research Fellow

Center for High Performance Aerodynamic Computing

Tel: (757) 864-7244

Email: hiro@nianet.org

Hiro Nishikawa


  • Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering and Scientific Computing, University of Michigan, 2001
  • M.S. in Mathematics, University of Michigan, 1999
  • M.S.E. in Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, 1996
  • B.E. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tokai University, 1994

Work Experience

  • Associate Research Fellow, NIA 2007-present
  • Research Fellow, University of Michigan, 2001-2007

Research Areas/Expertise

  • Algorithm development for computational fluid dynamics

Current Research

Accurate, Stable and Robust Methods for the Solutions of Hypersonic, Turbulent, Chemically Reacting Flows on Unstructured 

To develop improved algorithms for 2nd-order finite-volume methods for hypersonic flow applications.

Hyperbolic Reconstructed-Discontinuous-Galerkin Method for Accurate Unsteady Viscous Simulations on Unstructured Grids

To improve current state-of-the-art arbitrarily-high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods by a unique combination of the reconstructed DG and hyperbolic Navier-Stokes method.

Unstructured RANS Solver Project

To provide a consulting support for the company to develop/improve a 3D finite- volume RANS code for incompressible and compressible flow simulations.


Jeffery A. White, Hiroaki Nishikawa, and Robert A. Baurle. “Weighted Least-squares Cell-Average Gradient Construction Methods For The VULCAN-CFD Second-Order Accurate Unstructured Grid Cell-Centered Finite-Volume Solver”, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, AIAA 2019-0127.

Lingquan Li and Jialin Lou and Hong Luo and Hiroaki Nishikawa, “A New Formulation of Hyperbolic Navier-Stokes Solver based on Finite Volume Method on Arbitrary Grids”, AIAA Paper 2018-4160, AIAA 2018 Fluid Dynamics Conference, 25 – 29 June 2018, Atlanta, Georgia.

Hiroaki Nishikawa, From Hyperbolic Diffusion Scheme to Gradient Method: Implicit Green-Gauss Gradients for Unstructured Grids, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 372, 2018, Pages 126-160

  1. Nishikawa and Y. Liu, “Third-Order Edge-Based Scheme for Unsteady Problems” AIAA Paper 2018-4166, AIAA 2018 Fluid Dynamics Conference, 25 – 29 June 2018, Atlanta, Georgia.

H. Nishikawa and Y. Liu, ” Accuracy-Preserving Source Term Quadrature for Third-Order Edge-Based Discretization”, Journal of Computational