Atmospheric Science
Lin, J.-T., Liu, Z., Zhang, Q., Liu, H., Mao, J., and Zhuang, G., “Model Uncertainties Affecting Satellite-Based Inverse Modeling of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions and Implications for Surface Ozone Simulation,” Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12 (2012): 14269-14327, doi:10.5194/acpd-12-14269-2012
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Pouliot G., McCarty, J. and Soja, A., “Development of a Crop Residue Burning Emission Inventory for Air Quality Modeling,” in Proceedings of the 20th International Emission Inventory Conference, 13-16 August 2012, Tampa, Florida, Web:
Seo, Y.-S., Han, Y.-J., Choi, H.-D., Holsen, T.M., and Yi, S.-M., “Characteristics of Total Mercury (TM) Wet Deposition: Scavenging of Atmospheric Mercury Species,” Atmospheric Environment, 49 (2012): 69-76, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.12.031
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Computation, Modeling, & Simulation
Altenbuchner, C., and Hubbard, J., “Experimentally Validated Flexible-Multi-Body Structural Dynamics Model of a Bioinspired Ornithopter,” AIAA Paper 2012-1982, in Proceedings of the 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/ AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 23-26 April 2012, Honolulu, HI, doi:10.2514/6.2012-1982
Bolton, M., Bass, E., and Siminiceanu, R., “Generating Phenotypical Erroneous Human Behavior to Evaluate Human-Automation Interaction Using Model Checking,” Inter. J. of Human-Computer Studies, 70 (2012): 888-906, doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2012.05.010
Crespo, L.G., Kenny, S., and Giesy, D., “Bounding of the Failure Probability Range of Polynomial Systems Subject to P-Box Uncertainties,” in Proceedings of PSAM 11 ESREL 2012, 25-29 June 2012, Helsinki, Finland, ISBN: 9781622764365
Crespo, L.G., Kenny, S., and Giesy, D., “Uncertainty Quantification for Polynomial Systems via Bernstein Expansions,” AIAA Paper 2012-1851, in Proceedings of the 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 23-26 April 2012, Honolulu, HI, doi:10.2514/6.2012-185
Diskin, B., and Thomas, J.L., “Mesh Effects on Accuracy of Finite-Volume Discretization Schemes,” AIAA Paper 2012-0609, in Proceedings of the 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 9-12 January 2012, Nashville, TN, doi:10.2514/MASM12
Dorobantu, A., Crespo, L.G., and Seiler, P., “Robustness Analysis and Optimally Robust Control Design via Sum-of-Squares,” AIAA Paper 2012-1431, in Proceedings of the 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 23-26 April 2012, Honolulu, HI, doi:10.2514/6.2012-1431
Duan, L., Meelan, C., and Wu, M., “Numerical Study of Pressure Fluctuation Induced by High-Speed Turbulent Boundary Layers,” AIAA Paper 2012-3070, in Proceedings of the 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 24-28 June 2012, New Orleans, LA, doi:10.2514/6.2012-3070
Duan, L., Martin, M.P., Feldick, A.M., Modest, M.F., and Levin, D.A., “Study of Turbulence-Radiation Interaction in Hypersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers,” AIAA Journal, 50 (2012): 447-453, doi:10.2514/1.J051247
Edmonson, W., Herencia-Zapana, H., Neogi, N., Moore, W., and Ferguson, S., “Highly Confident Reduced Life-Cycle Design Process for Small Satellite Systems: Methodology and Theory,” in Proceedings of the Complex System Design and Management Conference, 12-14 December 2012, Paris, France
Harne, R.L., and Fuller, C.R., “Modeling of a Distributed Device for Simultaneous Reactive Vibration Suppression and Energy Harvesting,” J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 23 (2012): 655–664, doi:10.1177/1045389X12436736
Herencia-Zapana, H., Hagen, G., and Neogi, N., “A Framework For Probabilistic Evaluation of Interval Management Tolerance in the Terminal Radar Control Area,” in Proceedings of the 31st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 14-18 October 2012, Williamsburg, VA, doi:10.1109/DASC.2012.6382886
Herencia-Zapana, H., Jobredeaux, R., Owre, S., Garoche, P.-L., Feron, E., Perez, G., and Ascariz, P., “PVS Linear Algebra Libraries for Verification of Control Software Algorithms in C/ACSL,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7226, (2012): 147-161, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-28891-3_15
Jackson, K., Fasanella E., Annett, M., and Polanco, M., “Material Model Evaluation of a Composite Honeycomb Energy Absorber,” in Proceedings of the LS-DYNA Users Conference, 3-5 June 2012, Dearborn, MI
Jiang, B., and Rahman, Z., “Information Theoretic Analysis of Linear-Shift Invariant Edge-Detection Operators,” Optical Engineering, 51 (2012): 067013, doi:10.1117/1.OE.51.6.067013
Jobredeaux, R., Herencia-Zapana, H., Neogi, N., and Feron, E., “Developing Proof Carrying Code to Formally Assure Termination in Fault Tolerant Distributed Control Systems,” in Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 10-12 December 2012, New Orleans, LA, doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6425966
Liao, W., Mujeeb, M., Lee-Rausch, E.M., Li, F., Nielsen, E.J., Buning, P., Chang, C.L., and Choudhari, M., “Boundary-Layer Stability Analysis of the Mean Flows Obtained Using Unstructured Grids,” AIAA Paper 2012-2690, in Proceedings of the 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 25-28 June 2012, New Orleans, LA, doi:10.2514/6.2012-2690
Neogi, N., Hagen, G., and Herencia-Zapana, H., “Comparison of Aircraft Models and Integration Schemes for Interval Management in the TRACON,” in Proceedings of the 31st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 14-18 October 2012, Williamsburg, VA, doi:10.1109/DASC.2012.6382936
Neogi, N.A., and Herencia-Zapana, H., “Modular Methods for Verification and Validation of Air Traffic Control Algorithms,” AIAA Paper 2012-2470 in Proceedings of the 2012 Infotech@Aerospace Conference, 19-21 June 2012, Garden Grove, CA, doi:10.2514/6.2012-2470
Nielsen, E.J., and Diskin, B., “Discrete Adjoint-Based Design Optimization of Unsteady Turbulent Flows on Dynamic Overset Unstructured Grids,” AIAA Paper 2012-0554, in Proceedings of the 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 9-12 January 2012, Nashville, TN, doi:10.2514/MASM12
Nielson, E.J., and Diskin, B., “Discrete Adjoint-Based Design for Unsteady Turbulent Flows on Dynamic Overset Mixed-Element Unstructured Grids,” in Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Overset Composite Grids and Solution Technology, 15-18 October 2012, Dayton, OH
Nishikawa, H., “Divergence Formulation of Source Term,” J. Comp. Phys., 231 (2012): 6393-6400, doi:10.1016/
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Qing, X., Liao, W., Yang, S., and Peng, Y., “How Motion Trajectory Affects Energy Extraction Performance of a Biomimic Energy Generator with an Oscillating Foil?” Renewable Energy, 37 (2012): 61-75, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.05.029
Rocha, C., Cadavid, H., Munoz, C., and Siminiceanu, R., “A Formal Interactive Verification Environment for the Plan Execution Interchange Language,” in Proceedings of the Integrated Formal Methods 9th International Conference, 18-21 June 2012, Pisa, Italy,
Rumsey, C., Jeyapaul E., and Duraisamy, K., “EASM Modeling: Pressure-Strain and Near-Wall Modeling for Two-Dimensional Separated Flows,” in Presentation of Research Accomplishments for the 14th Biennial Summer Program of the Center for Turbulence Research, 24 June -20 July 2012, Stanford, CA
Seshadri, B., Smith, S.W., and Newman, J.A., “Development of Life Prediction Tool for Friction Stir Welded Structures,” in Proceedings of the 2012 Aircraft Airworthiness & Sustainment Conference, 2-5 April 2012, Baltimore, MD
Shih, A.T., Ancel, E., and Jones, S.M., “Object-Oriented Bayesian Networks (OOBN) for Aviation Accident Modeling and Technology Portfolio Impact Assessment,” in Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) Conference, 17-20 October 2012, Virginia Beach, VA
Wilhite, A., Neogi, N., Herencia-Zapana, H., “An Initial Examination for Verifying Separation Algorithms by Simulation,” in Proceedings of the 31st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 14-18 October 2012, Williamsburg, VA, doi:10.1109/DASC.2012.6382339
Materials and Structures
An, J., Haftka, R.T., Kim, N.H., Yuan, F.G., Kwak, B. M., Sohn, H., and Yeum, C., “Experimental Study on Identifying Cracks of Increasing Size Using Ultrasonic Excitation,” Structural Health Monitoring, 11 (2012): 95-108, doi:10.1177/1475921711406581
Caffrey, P.O., Nayak, B.K., and Gupta, M.C., “Ultrafast Laser-Induced Microstructure/Nanostructure Replication and Optical Properties,” Applied Optics, 51 (2012): 604-609, doi:10.1364/AO.51.000604
Cano, R., Ghose, S., Watson, K.A., Chunchu, B., Jensen, B., and Connell, J., “Processing and Properties of Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molded Phenylethynyl Terminated Imide Composites,” in Proceedings of SAMPE 2012, 21-24 May 2012, Baltimore, MD
Chen, C.L., Liu, Y.L., and Yuan, F.G., “Impact Source Identification of Isotropic Plate Structures Using Time-Reversal Method: Experimental Study,” Smart Materials and Structures, 21 (2012): 105025, doi:10.1088/0964-1726/21/10/105025
Clavero, C., Beringer, D.B., Roach, W.M., Skuza, J.R., Wong, K.C., Batchelor, A.D., Reece, C.E., and Lukaszew, R.A., “Strain Effects on the Crystal Growth and Superconducting Properties of Epitaxial Niobium Ultrathin Films,” Crystal Growth and Design, 12 (2012): 2588-2593, doi:10.1021/cg3001834
Fasanella, E., Annett, M., and Polanco, M., “Simulating the Response of a Composite Honeycomb Energy Absorber: Part 2. Full-Scale Impact Testing,” in Proceedings of the 12th ASCE Earth and Space Conference, 15-18 April 2012, Pasadena, CA
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Jackson, K., Fasanella, E., and Polanco, M., “Simulating the Response of a Composite Honeycomb Energy Absorber: Part 1: Dynamic Crushing of DEA Components and Multi-Terrain Impacts,” in Proceedings of the 12th ASCE Earth and Space Conference, 15-18 April 2012, Pasadena, CA
Lee, J., Kim, H.J., Oh, S., Choi, S.H., and Varadan, V.K., “Synthesis and Characterization of Thermoelectric Ink for Renewable Energy Applications,” in Proceedings of SPIE, 8344, 12-15 March 2012, San Diego, CA, doi:10.1117/12.916635
Kim, H.-J., Bae, H.-B., Park, Y., Lee, K., and Choi, S.H., “Temperature Dependence of Crystalline SiGe Growth on Sapphire (0001) Substrates by Sputtering,” Journal of Crystal Growth, 353, (2012): 124-128, doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2012.05.009
Kim, H.J., Bae, H.B., Park, Y., and Choi, S.H., “Defect-Engineered Si1-XGex Alloy Under Electron Beam Irradiation for Thermoelectrics,” RSC Advances, 24 (2012): 12670-1267, doi:10.1039/C2RA21567E
Kim, H.J., Park, Y.J., King, G.C., and Choi, S.H., “Development of Field-Controlled Smart Optic Materials (ScN, AlN) with Rare Earth Dopants,” Adv. Sci. & Tech., 82 (2012): 38-43, doi:10.4028/
Kim, H.J., Park, Y., King, G.C., Lee, K., and Choi, S.H., “Effect of Rare Earth Elements (Er, Ho) on Semi-Metallic Materials (ScN) in an Applied Electric Field,” in Proceedings of SPIE, 8344, 12-15 March 2012, San Diego, CA, doi:10.1117/12.917313
Krueger, R., “Development and Application of Benchmark Examples for Mixed-Mode I/II Quasi-Static Delamination Propagation Predictions,” in Proceedings of the ASC 27th Technical Conference, 1-3 October 2012, Arlington, TX
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Krueger, R., “Development of a Benchmark Example for Delamination Fatigue Growth Prediction.” in Fatigue of Composite Materials, edited by R.F. Gibson. Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc., 2012. ISBN: 978-1-60595-085-3
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Nayak, B.K., and Gupta, M.C., “Micro Texturing of Silicon Using Pulsed N2 –Laser and Formation Mechanism,” Applied Optics, 51 (2012): 114-120, doi:10.1364/AO.51.000114
Roach, W.M., Beringer, D.B., Skuza, J.R., Oliver, W.A., Clavero, C., Reece, C.E., and Lukaszew, R.A., “Niobium Thin Film Deposition Studies on Copper Surfaces for Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavity Applications,” Phys. Rev. Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams, 15 (2012): 062002, doi:10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.15.062002
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Kang, J.H., Marshall, I.A., Torrico, M.N., Taylor, C.R., Ely, J., Henderson, A., Sauti, G., Gibbons, L., et al., “Solar Irradiation Control Nanostructured Materials For Solar Energy Conversion,” in Proceedings of SPIE, 8471, 21-23 August 2012, San Diego, CA, doi:10.1117/12.930485
Kim, J.-W., Lillehei, P.T., and Park, C., “Assembly of Modified Ferritin Proteins on Carbon Nanotubes and its Electrocatalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction,” J. Mat. Chem., 22 (2012): 8408-8412, doi:10.1039/C2JM30476G
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Park, C., Kim, J., Sauti, G., Kang, J., Lovell, C.S., Gibbons, L.J., Lowther, S.E., et al. “Metallized Nanotube Polymer Composites via Supercritical Fluid Impregnation,” J. Poly. Sci. Part B: Poly. Phys., 50 (2012): 394-402, doi:10.1002/polb.23015
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Planetary Science
Heymsfield, E., Fasanella, E., Hardy, R., and Boitnott, R., “Assessment of Soil Modeling Capability for Orion Contingency Land Landing,” J. Aero. Eng., 25 (2012): 125-131, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000089
Sensors, Actuators, and Photovoltaics
Fuller, C., Saux, T., Papenfuss, C., Mitchell, M., Levitov, A., and Marik, P., “Measurement and Control of Noise in Neonatal Incubators,” in Proceedings of INTER NOISE 2012, 19-22 August 2012, New York City, NY
Fuller, C., and Saux, T., “Sound Absorption Using Acoustic Meta Materials,” in Proceedings of INTER NOISE 2012, 19-22 August 2012, New York City, NY
Jiang, B., and Rahman, Z., “Runway Hazard Detection in Poor Visibility Conditions,” in Proceedings of SPIE, 8300, 22-26 January 2012, Burlingame, CA, doi:10.1117/12.904982
Li, J., DeBerardinis, A., Pu, L., and Gupta, M.C., “Optical Properties of Solution Processable Semiconducting TiOx Thin Films for Solar Cell and Other Applications,” Applied Optics, 51 (2012): 1131-1136, doi:10.1364/AO.51.001131
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Shen, Y., Scudiero, L., and Gupta, M.C., “Temperature Dependence of Open Circuit Voltage and UPS Study for P3HT:PCBM Organic Solar Cells”, IEEE J. Photovoltaics, 2 (2012): 512-518, doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2012.2202877
Spalt, T., Fuller, C., and Brooks, T., “Background Noise Reduction Using Adaptive Noise Cancellation Determined by the Cross-Correlation” in Proceedings of INTER NOISE 2012, 19-22 August 2012, New York City, NY
Wang, C., Dudley, K.L., and Szatkowski, G.N., “Open Circuit Resonant (SansEC) Sensor for Composite Damage Detection and Diagnosis in Aircraft Lightning Environments,” AIAA Paper 2012-2792, in Proceedings of the 4th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference, 25-28 June 2012, New Orleans, LA, doi:10.2514/6.2012-2792
Yoon, H., Kim, H.J., Choi, S.H., Sanford, L.D., Geddis, D., Lee, K., Kim, J. and Song, K.D., “Wireless Power Using Magnetic Resonance Coupling for Neural Sensing Application,” in Proceedings of SPIE, 8344, 12-15 March 2012, San Diego, CA, doi:10.1117/12.917650
Zhou, L., Yang, Y., and Yuan, F.G., “Design of a Magnetostrictive Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring of Non-ferromagnetic Plates,” J. Vibroengineering, 14 (2012): 280-291
Signals, Controls and Adaptive Systems
Crespo, L.G., Matsutani, M., and Anaswamy, A., “Design of a Model Reference Adaptive Controller for a Remotely Operated Air-Vehicle,” AIAA J. Guid., Dyn. & Cntrl., 35 (2012): 406-422, doi:10.2514/1.54779
Crespo, L.G., Kenny, S., Cox., D., and Murri, D., “Analysis of Control Strategies for Aircraft Flight Upset Recovery,” AIAA Paper 2012-5026 in Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, 13-16 August 2012, Minneapolis, MN, doi:10.2514/6.2012-5026
Jiang, B., “Edge Detection and Localization with Edge Pattern Analysis and Inflection Characterization,” in Proceedings of SPIE, 8399, 22-27 April 2012, Baltimore MD, doi:10.1117/12.917309
Liu, L., Liu, S.T., and Yuan, F.G., “Damage Localization Using a Power-efficient On-board Distributed Signal Processing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network,” Smart Materials and Structures, 21 (2012): 025005, doi:10.1088/0964-1726/21/2/025005
Space and Flight Systems
Ancel, E., and Shih, A.T., “The Analysis of the Contribution of Human Factors to the In-Flight Loss of Control Accidents,” AIAA Paper 2012-5548 in Proceedings of the 12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference, 17-19 September 2012, Indianapolis, IN, doi:10.2514/6.2012-5548
Bartolotta, P., Wilhite, A., Schaffer, M., Huebner, L., Voland, R., and Voracek, D., “Near-term Horizontal Launch for Flexible Operations: Results of the DARPA/NASA Horizontal Launch Study,” AIAA Paper 2012- 5157 in Proceedings of the AIAA SPACE 2012 Conference & Exposition, 11–13 September 2012, Pasadena, CA, doi:10.2514/6.2012-5157
Campbell, S., Neogi, N.A., and Bragg, M., “Fuel-Optimal Trajectory Generation for Persistent Contrail Mitigation,” AIAA J. Guid. Dyn. & Cntrl., 35 (2012): 1593-1604, doi:10.2514/1.54438
Duan, L., and Meelan, C. “Effects of Riblets on Skin Friction and Heat Transfer in High-Speed Turbulent Boundary Layers,” AIAA Paper 2012-1108, in Proceedings of the 50th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, 9-12 January 2012, Nashville, TN, doi:10.2514/6.2012-1108
Luxhoj, J.T., Shih, A.T., Ancel, E., Jones, S.M., and Reveley, M.S., “Safety Risk Knowledge Elicitation in Support of Aeronautical R&D Portfolio Management: A Case Study,” in Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) Conference, 17-20 October 2012, Virginia Beach, VA
Rallabhandi, S.K., Nielsen, E.J., and Diskin, B., “Sonic Boom Mitigation Through Aircraft Design and Adjoint Methodology,” AIAA Paper 2012-3220, in Proceedings of the 30th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 25-28 June 2012, New Orleans, LA, doi:10.2514/6.2012-3220
Shen, J., Thornburgh, R.P., Kreshock, A.R., Wilbur, M.L., and Liu, Y., “Preliminary Design and Evaluation of an Airfoil with Active Continuous Trailing-Edge Flap,” in Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society’s Future Vertical Lift Aircraft Design Conference, 18-20 January 2012, San Francisco, CA