3.25.16 Nutt

Title: Development of Airworthy, Safety-Critical Software for Unmanned Systems

Date: Friday, March 25, 2016

Time: 10:30 – 11:30

Room: NIA, Rm 137

Speaker: Austin Nutt

Bio: Austin Nutt is a software test engineer at Northrop Grumman Corp. in the vehicle management software group for unmanned systems. He works on development of unit and systems level testing while keeping software requirement specifications in check. He recently completed his masters in electrical engineering at the University of Southern California with an emphasis in power system design accompanied with a focus on computer architecture and real-systems. He received a bachelor’s degree from University of Illinois at Chicago in electrical engineering, sprinkling in a minor in computer science.

Austin currently lives in San Diego, California and is shortly moving to Yorktown, Virginia with his fiancée who is a dentist for the Air Force. He is also an amateur motorhome restoration ‘specialist’. He enjoys hiking, basketball, snow-skiing, spending time with his family, circuit tinkering, learning, and traveling.