Title: “A Bunch of Plumbers” Personal Experiences Regarding Two Early Space Missions: Lunar Orbiter and Viking Mars Landers
Topic: Seminar (& AIAA Student Chapter Event)
Speaker: Peggy Newcomb, armchair editor, assisted by Norm Crabill, ViGYAN and retired from NASA/LaRC
Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Location: NIA, Room 101
Time: 11:00am-12:00pm – Presentation & Q&A (Anna’s and Refreshments)
12:00pm -12:30pm – Lunch (Anna’s and Refreshments)
12:30pm – onward – Book signings
Book Cost: $15.00 each. Please bring cash only. We will have a cash box to make change.
Information: In memory of John Newcomb, the talk on the book “A Bunch of Plumbers” will be given by his wife, Peggy Newcomb. She has been an armchair editor for the book, a former chemistry teacher and his wife of fifty years. She wants the book to be a legacy to the program and John’s role in it because he believed the Lunar Orbiter and Viking Missions were an important part of history that John and others felt very passionate about. Peggy will be assisted by Norm Crabill, a member of the Lunar Orbiter and Mars Viking teams.