8.11.15 Luta

Autonomous Incubator Seminar Series:

Adele Luta
August 11, 2015, 2:00 pm, NASA Langley, Pearl Young Theater
Live Seminar

This talk will focus around three questions: Do we really understand how technology is changing the skills/traits/needs of the future operator/pilot/controller? With the myriad of computer and pen-and-paper based measures, why does there still seem to be a gap in advanced cognitive assessment tools related to cognitive readiness? How can mobile technology enable instructors to enhance their evaluation skills without cognitively overloading the instructor? Audience participation is encouraged, as this is an open discussion, including first hand experiences working in NASA’s Mission Control Center and with astronauts.

Adele Luta supports the defense sector as a cognitive neuroscientist. Previously, she was an astronaut instructor and flight controller at NASA-Johnson Space Flight Center. Adele then transitioned to cognitive neuroscience after observing operators work in time dependent, highly technical, life critical situations. She spent several years as a full time researcher at MIT’s Brain and Cognitive Science Department where she currently holds a research affiliate position. Her research interests include strategic cognitive skills and advanced theory of mind.