8.18.15 Oza

NASA and NIA Big Data Analytics and Machine Intelligence Seminar #10:

Dr. Nikunj Oza, NASA Ames Research Center
August 18, 2015, 11:00 am, NASA Langley, Pearl Young Theater, Bldg 2102 (IESB)
Live Seminar

The Data Sciences Group at NASA Ames Research Center performs research and development of data mining and machine learning methods aimed toward problems of interest to NASA, including Earth science, space science, space exploration, and aeronautics. In this talk, Dr. Oza will describe algorithms that have been developed for anomaly detection in aviation-related data, including data recorded on board commercial aircraft and aircraft trajectory data representing landings and takeoffs at airports. He will also give examples of how their algorithms have identified anomalies that were deemed operationally significant, but that were not identified using current industry standard methods.

Bio: Dr. Nikunj C. Oza is the leader of the Data Sciences Group at NASA Ames Research Center, and Center Program Manager for the Advanced Information Systems Technology program. He received his B.S. in Mathematics with Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1994, and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in 1998 and 2001, respectively. His research interests are in Data Mining, Machine Learning methods, Online Learning, Anomaly Detection, and Applications of Data Mining and Machine Learning to problems in Aeronautics and Earth science.