8.4.15 Masci


Paolo Masci, Queen Mary University of London
August 4, 2015, 10:30 am, NASA Langley, Bldg 1220, Rm 110

PVSio-web is a graphical environment for facilitating the design and evaluation of interactive (human-computer) systems. Using PVSio-web, one can generate and evaluate realistic interactive prototypes from formal models. PVSio-web has been successfully used over the last two years for analyzing commercial, safety-critical devices. It has also been used to create training material for device developers and device users. In this talk, I will present the latest release of PVSio-web, which will be part of the next PVS distribution. The new tool architecture is discussed, and the rationale behind its design choices are presented.

Paolo Masci is a postdoctoral researcher at Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom). He is an expert user of verification tools such as SRI’s state-of-the-art theorem proving system PVS. His research interests include: user interface design and verification, software verification, and automated reasoning. Since 2010, Paolo is working within CHI+MED (http://www.chi-med.ac.uk/), a UK research project that aims to make medical devices safer. While based in the UK, Paolo has entered into a variety of international collaborations for the analysis of medical device software, including joint work with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Stanford Research Institute (SRI International), and University of Pennsylvania