93rd NIA CFD Seminar: Third-Order Edge-Based Hyperbolic Navier-Stokes Scheme for Three-Dimensional Viscous Flows
Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Time: 11:00am-noon (EST)
Room: NIA, Rm101
Speaker: Yi Liu
Abstract: We present a third-order edge-based scheme for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. The node-centered edge-based scheme achieves third-order accuracy on tetrahedral grids with quadratic least-squares gradients and linear flux reconstruction for the Euler equations. It is extended to the viscous terms by the hyperbolic Navier-Stokes method, in which the viscous terms are written as a first-order hyperbolic system with source terms. The source terms introduced by the hyperbolic formulation are discretized by a new quadrature formula recently discovered, which does not require second derivatives. Third-order accuracy is demonstrated not only for the solution variables but also for their gradients on fully irregular grids. The developed scheme is implemented in NASA’s FUN3D code, and tested for three-dimensional laminar flow problems. The seminar concludes with a brief discussion on future work towards third-order turbulent-flow computations on unstructured grids.
Bio: Dr. Yi Liu graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology with a Ph.D degree in aerospace engineering in 2003. He also holds a M.E. from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Beijing, China. In 2004, he joined the National Institute of Aerospace after a one-year postdoctoral fellowship at Georgia Tech. He has previously served as a senior research engineer at NIA in the area of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and multi-disciplinary analysis of rotorcraft configurations. He has conducted various research projects, including work in the areas of rotorcraft aerodynamic analysis and acoustic prediction; micro-air vehicle and flapping wing aerodynamics sponsored by ARL and NASA. Currently, he is conducting the research project of implementation of third-order edge-based scheme in NASA CFD solver FUN3D with collaboration of researchers at NASA LaRC-Computational AeroSciences Branch.
Additional information, including the webcast link, can be found at the NIA CFD Seminar website: