05-24-2017 | Pete Beckman: Exascale-Era Ecosystem and Runtime Software Systems: Case Study Argo

Title: Exascale-Era Ecosystem and Runtime Software Systems: Case Study Argo

Speaker: Dr. Pete Beckman (Argonne Institute of Science and Engineering)

Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Time: 10:00am  – 11:15am

Location: Building 2102, Pearl Young Theater

Host: Dana Hammond, NASA/LaRC

Link to view presentation: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nasa-lrc  Password: HPC Talk

Abstract: Dr. Pete Beckman, Codirector, Northwestern-Argonne Institute of Science and Engineering, will present on Exascale-era Ecosystems and Runttime Software Systems. One of Dr. Beckman’s project, Argo, is an new exascale operating system and runtime system designed to support extreme-scale scientific computation. It is built on an agile, new modular architecture that supports both global optimization and local control. It aims to efficiently leverage new chip and interconnect technologies while addressing the new modalities, programming environments, and workflows expected at exascale. It is designed from the ground up to run future high-performance computing applications at extreme scales.

Dr. Beckman’s Argo project is being examined by LaRC’s HPC Incubator for its intersection with Exascale Middleware layer underlying current and future programming models, and by Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Transformational Tools and Technologies (TTT) Project entitled “Extreme-Scale Parallel Mesh Generation: CFD 2030 Vision” (NNX15AU39A) led by Nikos Chrisochoides (Center for Real-Time Computing, ODU).

Dr. Beckman will be available after the presentation during lunch for discussion. Please contact Dana Hammond (dana.p.hammond@nasa.gov), 4-2253 for further information.


Bio: Pete Beckman is a recognized global expert in high-end computing systems. During the past 25 years, his research has been focused on software and architectures for large-scale parallel and distributed computing systems. Pete enjoys the challenging step of moving novel research software into production on extreme-scale systems. After receiving his Ph.D. degree in computer science from Indiana University, he helped found the university’s Extreme Computing Laboratory, which focused on parallel languages, portable run-time systems, and collaboration technology. In 1997 Pete joined the Advanced Computing Laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he founded the ACL’s Linux cluster team and launched the Extreme Linux series of workshops and activities that helped catalyze the high-performance Linux computing cluster community.

Pete also has been a leader within industry. In 2000 he founded a Turbolinux-sponsored research laboratory in Santa Fe that developed the world’s first dynamic provisioning system for cloud computing and HPC clusters. The following year, Pete became Vice President of Turbolinux’s worldwide engineering efforts, managing development offices in the US, Japan, China, Korea, and Slovenia.

Pete joined Argonne National Laboratory in 2002, and worked as Director of Engineering, and later as Chief Architect for the TeraGrid. He led the design and deployment team that created the world’s most powerful Grid computing system for linking production HPC computing centers for the National Science Foundation. After the TeraGrid became fully operational, Pete started a research team focusing on petascale high-performance software systems, Linux, fault tolerance, wireless sensors, and the SPRUCE system to provide urgent computing for critical, time-sensitive decision support.

In 2008 he became the Director for the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, and managed the deployment of Intrepid, which at the time debuted as the world’s fastest open science supercomputer in production. As Director, he lead the Argonne team working with IBM on the design of Mira, a 10 Petaflop BG/Q to be installed in 2012. He also brought together a group of scientists and engineers and co-founded the International Exascale Software Project (www.exascale.org), which has built an international software roadmap for exascale software and co-design.