Title: Comprehensive Digital Transformation (CDT): Intractability of Scheduling Problems Connected to Data Collection by Multiple Platforms
Speaker: Dr. Davide Venturelli, Research Scientist, USRA
Date: Friday, January 6, 2017
Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
Location: Pearl Young Theater
Hosts: Dana Hammond and Stephen Casey, NASA/LaRC
Abstract: Discussion will take place regarding the intractability of scheduling problems connected to data collection by multiple platforms (e.g. satellites, UAVs) under constraints (orbits, weather, sensor types..) and contingency relations between tasks (e.g. find, fix, track actions) and the outlook on the programmability of these problems on the upcoming quantum computing devices. A discussion regarding relevant experimental and theoretical results on the performance of the hybrid quantum-classical approach in this domain.
Bio: Dr. Davide Venturelli is works in the NASA Intelligent System Division (TI) as a research scientist through the Universities Space Research Association (USRA), and he is currently in charge of surveying the scientific investigations performed at the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL). Venturelli graduated from Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon and obtained his Ph.D. in Numerical Simulations of the Condensed Matter at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste and in Nanophysics at the Universite de Grenoble (CNRS/UJF). He worked as a post-doc at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy, in the Condensed Matter and Information group (CMI). His past publications include studies of new electronic effects in 2D-electronic gases at high magnetic fields, especially quantum Hall interferometers in collaboration with experimentalists, non-perturbative calculations on decoherence featuring quantum phase transitions, and non-equilibrium spin/charge/energy transport in mesoscopic systems (1D channels, quantum dots).
Research Interests: Venturelli is currently invested in research projects dealing with the non-equilibrium physics of statistical models relevant for quantum annealing and quantum computation, particularly the application of methods in quantum field theory and condensed matter for the study of the dynamics of large qubit clusters. His focus is understanding how time-dependent control, many-body physics, and criticality can be exploited for useful purposes in the context of quantum computing, and how these features reflect practically across different implementation technologies or computational strategies.
Venturelli maintains active collaborations with the CMI group at NEST/SNS Pisa on projects regarding
fundamental condensed matter physics and applied quantum thermodynamics. His applied focus on the usage of quantum annealing is in advanced scheduling, telecommunication networks, and robotics/distributed AI, in collaborations with the private sector.