03-13-2018 | John Hansen: peaker Diarization in Naturalistic Data with Application to Multi-Speaker/Track and Distant-Based Speech Recognition for the Apollo Program

Topic: Speaker Diarization in Naturalistic Data with Application to Multi-Speaker/Track and Distant based Speech Recognition for the Apollo Program

Speaker: John H.L. Hansen, University of Texas – Dallas

Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Time(s): 9:00am – Lecture

Location: NASA/LaRC – Pearl Young Theater;  Networking & Technical Meeting NASA/LaRC – IESB, Rooms 112 & 113 – 1:00pm

Sponsor: Jeremy Yagle, NASA/LaRC

Abstract: Speech Technology is advancing beyond general speech recognition for voice command and telephone applications. Today, the emergence of many voice enabled speech systems have required the need for more effective distant based speech voice capture and automatic speech recognition. The ability to employ speech and language technology to assess human-to-human interactions is opening up new research paradigms which can have a profound impact on human interaction, assessment of personal communication traits, and contribute to improving the quality of life and educational experience of individuals.  In this talk, we will explore recent research trends on automatic audio diarization for audio streams which include multi-tracks, speakers as well as distant based speech recognition. Specifically, we will consider (i) Prof-Life-Log corpus, (ii) Distant ASR, and (iii) Apollo-11 massive multi-track audio processing (19,000hrs of data). These domains will be discussed in terms of algorithmic advancements, as well as directions for continued research.

Biography: John H.L. Hansen, received the Ph.D. & M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, and B.S.E.E. degree from Rutgers Univ., College of Engineering, N.J. He joined Univ. of Texas at Dallas (UTDallas), Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science in 2005, where he is Associate Dean for Research, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Distinguished Univ. Chair in Telecommunications Engineering, and holds a joint appointment in the School of Behavioral & Brain Sciences (Speech & Hearing). At UTDallas, he established The Center for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS), and previously served as Dept. Head of ECE (2005-12). He is an ISCA Fellow, IEEE Fellow, and has served as Member and TC Chair of IEEE Signal Processing Society Speech & Language Processing Technical Committee (SLTC), ISCA Distinguished Lecturer, and previously served as Technical Advisor to the U.S. Delegate for NATO (IST/TG-01). He is currently serving as ISCA President (International Speech Communications Association). He has supervised 85 PhD/MS thesis candidates, was recipient of 2005 University of Colorado Teacher Recognition Award, and author/co-author of 775 journal and conference papers, including 11 books in the field of speech processing and language technology. He served as General Chair and Organizer for Interspeech-2002 (Denver, CO), Co-Organizer and Technical Program Chair for IEEE ICASSP-2010 (Dallas, TX), and Co-General Chair and Organizer for IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT-2014) (Lake Tahoe, NV).


http://crss.utdallas.edu/          John.Hansen@utdallas.edu