Title: IEEE UFFC Distinguished Lecturer: “Glory of Ferroelectric Perovskite Materials” Speaker: Dr. Kenji Uchino, Professor Electrical Engineering, Director, International Center for Actuators & Transducers, Materials Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State…
Tag: 2018 Seminars
All 2018 Seminars
04-06-2018 | Kenji Uchino: Piezoelectridc Energy Harvesting
Title: IEEE UFFC Distinguished Lecturer: “Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting” Speaker: Dr. Kenji Uchino, Professor Electrical Engineering, Director, International Center for Actuators & Transducers, Materials Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State University Date:…
03-13-2018 | Beckett Zhou: Aeroacoustic Optimization Capabilities in the Open-Source SU2 Solver
Topic: Aeroacoustic Optimization Capabilities in the Open-Source SU2 Solver Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 Time: 11am-noon (EST) Room: NIA, Rm137 Speaker: Beckett Zhou Mediasite: http://bit.ly/2FrSpE7 Abstract: A hybrid noise prediction framework…