Title: Optics-Based Tip-Path Plane Tracking System Speaker: Rick Sickenberger Date: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 Location: NIA, Room 137 Time: 10:00am – 11:00am Abstract: The development of custom embedded systems and other hardware to measure dynamic,…
Tag: 2018 Seminars
All 2018 Seminars
07-24-2018 | Prakash Shrestha: Study of High-Speed Transition due to Roughness Elements
Topic: 103rd NIA CFD Seminar: Study of High-Speed Transition due to Roughness Elements Speaker: Prakash Shrestha Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 Time: 11am-noon (EDT) Room: NIA, Rm137 Weblink: http://hiroakinishikawa.com/niacfds Abstract: Transitional hypersonic boundary layers due to…
06-13-2018 | Peter Huthwaite: Implementing the Finite Element Method on Graphics Cards for Ultrasound Simulations
Title: HPCI Seminar Series: FEM with GPUs, with application to NDE: “Implementing the Finite Element Method on Graphics Cards for Ultrasound Simulations” Speaker: Peter Huthwaite, Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Imperial…