FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 2, 2016 Timothy Allen National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, Va. 615-955-2859 NIA RELEASE: 2016-07 Top 25 NASA iTech Semi-Finalists Announced Nov. 2, 2016, WASHINGTON —…
Tag: Featured Story
NIA Liaison Professor and Langley Distinguished Professor Named Royal Aeronautical Society Fellows
Prof. Colin Britcher, Liaison Professor at Old Dominion University and Director of Graduate Programs at the National Institute of Aerospace, and Prof. Dimitri Mavris, NIAâs Langley Distinguished Professor at Georgia…
02-24-2015 | Dimitri Mavris: ASDL’s Approach to the Design of the Next Generation of Advanced Concepts
ASDL’s APPROACH TO THE DESIGN OF THE NEXT GENERATION OF ADVANCED CONCEPTS Prof. Dimitri Mavris, Boeing chaired professor of Advanced Aerospace Systems Analysis in Georgia Tech’s School of Aerospace Engineering,…