[2016-06] June 21-22 Workshop | Advanced Aerospace Materials

Day One Presentations (Click to download):

Workshop Overview and Agenda

Adams – Future Prospects for SWCNT Fibers — Can we Approach the Staudinger Continuous Crystal Limit for Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Fibers?

Bushnell – Revolutionary Materials Proessing

Fikes/Vickers – Progress and Opportunities with the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Kumar – Carbon Fibers and Carbon Nanotube Based Materials

Misra – Emerging Materials Technologies for Aerospace Propulsion and Power

Partridge – U.S. Materials Genome Initiative

Wadley – Future Opportunities for Ultralight Materials and Structures

Williams – Space Exploration: Needs and Challenges

Day Two Presentations (Click to download):

Workshop Overview and Agenda

Meador – National Nanotechnology Initiative

Siochi – Shortening Time for New Materials Insertion in NASA Missions

Breakout Sessions (Click to download):

Breakout Session 1

Breakout Session 2

Breakout Session 3